Nita Beer 2018 Summer Passport

Thanks for visiting the Nita Beer 2018 Summer Passport page!  Here is all the info you need to start on your journey for Nita summer!

When does the passport program start?

What swag can I get?

When do I have to redeem my stamps for swag?

What do I do with the numbers that I see on the stamps?

Who are the pouring partners?

Program Start

The program launches June 15, 2018 at a limited number of pouring partners around Ottawa.  We will continue to add pouring partners through the summer and will post them to this page.

Nita Swag

Visit Nita when you have collected 4, 8 or 10 stamps from our pouring partners.  You can visit us when get get to the first level (i.e., 4 stamps) or save up all of your stamps to be eligible for some wicked swag.

When you visit us with 4, 8 or 10 stamps, you can collect one (1) of the following for each level that you have reached.  

  • a Nita engraved key chain
  • a 16 oz Nita engraved glass
  • 2 x Nita engraved slate coasters (with 8 unredeemed stamps)

If you save up all of your stamps and you are one of the first 10 people to redeem at Nita, you can claim the following while supplies last:

  • one of 10 3 glass hand-crafted flight paddle with glassware

Sorry, we are limited to 10 of these!


All stamps must be redeemed for swag by September 30, 2018.  After this date, the stamps will expire.  However, you can still keep your passport as a great souvenir of fun!

Codes on your stamps

We have added even more fun to the Nita passport program!  When you collect a stamp from any of our pouring partners, you will see a numbered code on the stamp.  Punch this code into the search on the Nita web site and find some of Andy's favourite beer people and moments from history.

Pouring Partners

Visit these pouring partners who are participating in the Nita Beer 2018 Summer Passport to begin collecting your passport stamps (not all pouring partners selling Nita are participating in the program):



340 Somerset St W, Ottawa, ON K2P 0J9
(613) 680-2337

The Koven

93 Murray St, Ottawa, ON K1N 5M5
(613) 858-6111

Bar Laurel

1087 Wellington St W, Ottawa, ON K1Y 2Y4
(613) 695-5559



40 Adeline St, Ottawa, ON K1S 3L3
(613) 695-9739

Pour Boy

495 Somerset St W, Ottawa, ON K1R 5J7
(613) 695-7687

Crust and Crate - Ogilvie Location

2018 Ogilvie Rd Unit 1, Gloucester, ON K1J 7N9
(613) 656-6567

Atomic Rooster

303 Bank St, Ottawa, ON K2P 1X7
(613) 569-1000

Level One Game Pub
14 Waller St, Ottawa, ON K1N 9C4
(613) 680-7529

Escape Manor

Downtown - 201 Queen St. 4th Floor, Ottawa, ON

Hintonburg - 982 Wellington St. W., Ottawa, ON