Did someone say free shirt?

Did someone say free shirt?

In 2019 we ventured in to getting Beer Calendar shirts made.  Unfortunately, they came in late and we didn't sell a whole bunch.  And then the pandemic hit and we had put them in a closet for future use.  2021 is the future use!

We have a limited stock of 2019 T-shirts that we are giving away for free for those that purchase their beer calendar off nitabeer.com.  Unfortunately this option isn't available to those purchasing off nitanotherbeer.com.

When you add a 2021 Beer Calendar and a 2019 Beer Calendar shirt, the price of the shirt is automatically removed at checkout.  We have limited stock so get yours while quantities last.

Men's T-shirts in stock on Oct 2, 2021

Men's Shirt

Small - 2
Medium - 14
Large - 20
Extra Large - 18
XXL - 1

Women's T-shirts in stock on Oct 2, 2021

Small - None
Medium - 2
Large - 3
Extra Large - 3
XXL - 1

3/4 T-shirts in stock on Oct 2, 2021

Small - None
Medium - None
Large - None
Extra Large - 2
XXL - 1


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