December 9:  Common Good Beer Company

December 9: Common Good Beer Company

Common Good Beer Company Ellesmere Amber Ale

Style - Amber Ale
Tasting Notes – Earthy, biscuity
ABV – 5.2%
Colour – Amber
IBUs – ~32
Legend Rating - Anytime - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Description:   The intersection of Ellesmere and Kennedy roads was once the village of Ellesmere, named for the town in county Shropshire, England, where the early settlers of the area hailed from. So, with one foot in the present and one in the past, this is our earthy, biscuity, modern homage to the traditional English Extra Special Bitter Amber Ale.

Ingredients –  Water, Malted barley, Hops, Yeast

Where to buy: Where to buy: Ontario Craft Beer - Nita 'Nother Beer (

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